Current Exhibition
Primar(il)y Red: An Exhibition of Art Celebrating the Color Red
December 8, 2017 - January 8, 2018

Emerge Gallery is pleased to present “Primar(il)y Red: An Exhibition of Art Celebrating the Color Red” from December 8, 2017 until January 8, 2018. An opening reception is scheduled for Friday, December 8, 2017, from 5-8 PM as part of Saugerties’ First Friday. All are welcome. Artwork in the exhibition will be available to view and purchase on line at
The color induces feelings such as love, warmth, and passion, as well as energy, war and power and the works on exhibition reflect those feelings.The exhibition includes various styles and mediums such as acrylic, collage, encaustic, mixed media, oil, pastel, photography and sculpture. Forty-five pieces of art representing forty artists from the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area are included in this exhibition. The works vary in style, but the one common thread is that the viewers’ eye is immediately drawn to the red element in each piece.
Participating artists include Joan Barker, Loel Barr, Diane Christi, Mary Colby, Shelley Davis, Nancy deFlon, Ruth Edwy, Debra Friedkin, Patti Gibbons, Cali Gorevic, David Hect, Jeffrey Helmuth, Kay Kenny, Barbara Tepper Levy, Colleen Lineberry, Susan Lisbin, Linda Lynton, Dorthea Marcus, Charlann Meluso, Wilma Miller, Ann Morris, Richard Morris, Susan Murphy, Tracy Phillips, Amy Puccio, Elaine Ralston, Tad Richards, Gilbert Rios, Ann Marie Roselli-Kissack, Ana C. H. Silva, Joan Soodalter, Margaret Still, JoAnn Helfert Sullam, Julian Tejera, Arlene Santana Thornton, Salvador Vargas III, Karl J. Volk, jd weiss, Betsy Wilson, Marcie Woodruff, Barry Yarkon and Lvon Yoder. “Primar(il)y Red” is curated by Emerge Gallery director Robert P. Langdon.
Emerge Gallery will also be selling original hand-made ornaments and mini works by local artists. Works vary in style and medium and range in price from $5-$25. Each piece was donated by the artist in support of Emerge Gallery. All proceeds will benefit the gallery and will allow Emerge to continue to provide a venue for local artists and further the arts scene in Saugerties and the surrounding communities. Ornaments and mini works make perfect holiday gifts and stocking stuffers.
Past Exhibitions & Events
Petit: A Group Exhibition of Smaller Sized Art
November 4 - December 4, 2017

Emerge Gallery & Art Space is pleased to present Petit: A Group Exhibition of Smaller Sized Art. Over forty five local artists from the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area are participating in this exhibition. Petit will be exhibited from November 4 - December 4, 2017, with a reception on Saturday, November 4, 2017, from 5-8 PM. .
The artwork included in Petit is a collection of various styles and mediums — acrylic, collage, digital, encaustic, illustration, mixed media, oil, photography, sculpture, wearable art— all sized 12” x 12” and under.
Included in Petit is work by Charlann Meluso from her Flowers on Abstract Series where she artistically combines her photographs of flora and abstract backgrounds. “What I see and photograph must capture both my eye and soul and also have visual impact,“ she explains. “(My work) will evoke a feeling or reaction with the viewer with whom I strive to make a similar connection.” Also participating is artist Maria Kolodziej-Zincio who combines multiple layers of beeswax — sourced from her own hives — and mixed media to create scenes of nature brought to life with color and texture; Paul Mindell who combines his original photographs of cows with his original paintings; and cut paper artist Istar Schwager who uses envelopes and various textured and decorative papers in creating her cut paper collages.
The November window installation will feature the work of artist Betsy Wilson who uses all recycled and repurposed materials. The installation will consist of small dress forms adorned with various materials — fabrics, jewelry and other items. Wilson creates themes with her various dress forms.
This exhibition and Emerge Gallery offer an affordable option for giving the gift of art to someone special this holiday season — a gift of art is a gift of the heart. The art included in Petit guarantees that visitors will find a work that speaks to them and someone they love.
Change: An Exhibition of Art By Members of the National Association of Women Artists
October 7 - 30, 2017

Emerge Gallery is pleased to showcase art by members of the National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) in the exhibition Change on view October 7 - 30, 2017, in Saugerties, NY and on-line at
Established in 1889 — in an era when women artists were associated primarily with crafts and decorative arts — the founders of NAWA envisioned an organization which would promote higher standards for women artists and provide them with the opportunity to exhibit their work. Emerge Gallery is pleased to co-host the themed exhibition Change that highlights the diversity of NAWA members representing all areas of the visual arts. Additional information about NAWA may be found at
Thirty-five artists have contributed art of various mediums and styles to Change. Pam Cooper combined her handmade abaca paper with price tags and product labels to create mandalas that speak to a beauty obsessed society; Carole P. Kunstadt transformed an 1809 music manuscript into a very intimate and delicate work of art; Phyllis Rosser used wood stripped of it’s bark and washed smooth by the river in creating her sculpture. “Although they were dried out and lifeless,” she explains, “I was drawn to the harmony of their grainy patterns. I saw in them the possibility of transcending a visually dull world.” Additional mediums included in Change include acrylic, collage, encaustic, fiber art, graphite, oil, pastel, photography, and watercolor.
Participating artists are Alayne Abrahams (PA), Virginia Aschmoneit (NY), Jill Cliffer Baratta (NJ), Sandra Bertrand (NY), Diane Christi (NY), Robin Colodzin (MA), Pam Cooper (NJ), Hilda Green Demsky (NY), Carol Dixon (CT), Karen Fitzgerald (MA), Debra Friedkin (NY), Judi Gilden (NJ), Marilyn Hauser (NY), Carole Richard Kaufmann (NY), Maria Kolodziej-Zincio (NY), Carole P. Kunstadt (NY), Jennifer Leighton (NY), Harriet Livathinos (NY), Mary Marley (MA), Wilma Miller (NY), Gloria Mirsky (NY), Carol A. O’Neill (NJ), Pat Paxson (NY), Susan Phillips (NY), Amy Puccio (NY), Leah Raab (NY), Phyllis Rosser (NY), Joanne Beaule Ruggles (CA), Nadine Saitlin (IL), Diane Salamon (OK), Phyllis Shenny (NJ), Mary Lou Siefker (FL), Linda Snider-Ward (LA), Karen Tylec (MD), and Laurie Weber (NJ).
An opening reception for Change will be held at Emerge Gallery on Saturday, October 7, 2017, from 5-8 PM. All are welcome. A preview of the exhibition will take place during Saugerties First Friday on October 6, 2017. All work will be available to view and purchase through the Emerge Gallery shop at
Change is part of Shout Out Saugerties — a month-wide celebration of National Arts & Humanities month with various events scheduled throughout October that will connect creativity and well being in the community. Additional information may be found at
Equine: A Group Exhibition of Art
Celebrating the Horse
September 2 - October 2, 2017

Emerge Gallery is pleased to highlight the beauty of the horse through art of various styles and mediums in the exhibition Equine: A Group Exhibition of Art Celebrating the Horse on exhibit September 2 - October 2, 2017, and available on-line at
Majestic, mystical, magical, noble, proud, the embodiment of grace and strength and living-breathing art: these are some of the terms used to convey the reverence many hold for the horse. It is not surprising considering that just seeing or being near a horse has the ability to make people feel good and offers an opportunity to experience valuable feelings of positive self-esteem and unconditional self-acceptance. When in close proximity, a horse’s heart rhythms mirror that of human emotions and signify a close unspoken form of communication between man and beast. With Equine, Emerge Gallery is making that connection even stronger through art.
Over 40 artists have contributed art of various mediums and styles to Equine including stunning photographic portraits by Richard Edelman, Juliet Harrison and Janet Holmes who spends time with animals at the Catskill Animal Sanctuary in Saugerties getting to know their personalities before picking up her camera; sculpture by Ruth Edwy and 2 Nutty Artists who fashion their work by stitching together found metal; Michael Endy who photographs his original diaoramas; animation artist Cheryl Gross — who has been referred to as “Dr. Seuss on crack” — combines horses and humans in creating her own original characters; sculptor Shosh Cohen who creates gorgeous horseshoes out of marble; and more! Mediums include acrylic, collage, drawings, oil, pastel, photography, pottery, sculpture, watercolor and others.
Participating artists include 2 Nutty Artists, Luis Alves, Terri Amig, Loel Barr, Wendy Bellermann, Ed Berkise, Kristy Bishop, Crista Bromley, Alison Winfield Burns, Michael A. Chaney, Shosh Cohen, Arabella Colton, Debbie Daniels, Richard Edelman, Ruth Edwy, Michael Endy, Johanna Finnegan-Topitzer, Jim Fischer, Carol Herren Foerster, Darlene Foster, Reidunn Fraas, Patti Gibbons, Cali Gorevic, Cheryl Gross, Jean Haines, Juliet Harrison, Kathleen Heron, Janet Holmes, Pat Kelly, Karen Kelley, Katie Langford, Harriet Livathinos, Richard McKey, Charlann Meluso, Grey Ivor Morris, Ernie Mortuzans, Andrea Walcutt Perez, T.D. Petteys, Gilbert Rios, Amanda Saker, Janet Siskind, Amy Stypulkoski and jd weiss.
An opening reception for Equine will be held at Emerge Gallery on Saturday, September 2, 2017, from 5-8 PM. All are welcome. A preview of the exhibition will take place during Saugerties First Friday on September 1, 2017. All work will be available to view and purchase through the Emerge Gallery shop at

Abstrakt: A Group Exhibition of Abstract Art
June 24 - July 31, 2017
Emerge Gallery in Saugerties, NY, is pleased to present "Abstrakt: A Group Exhibition of Abstract Art" opening on June 24 and exhibited through July 31, 2017.
Included in "Abstrakt" are over 40 pieces of abstract art of various mediums including acrylic, collage, colored pencil, mixed media, oil, photography, sculpture and textile. "Abstrakt" is curated by Gallery Director Robert P. Langdon.
Participating artsits incude Tara Bach, Loel Barr, Edward Berkise, Irwin W. Berman, Shelley Davis, Dawn DiCicco, Angie Durbin, Caleb Elsbree, Reidunn Fraas, Robert Greco, Harriet Livathinos, Joy Moore, Ann Morris, Rich Morris, Susan Phillips, �Amy Puccio, Kristen Rego, Charlotte Tusch, Gail Winbury and Fay Wood.
Artwork from this show will be available to view and purchase, along with work from previous exhibitions and on-line exclusives, through the Emerge Gallery on-line shop at
Art & Words: An Exhibition of Artwork & Poetry Inspiring One Another
May 5 - 29, 2017

Emerge Gallery is pleased to highlight the power of words and their connection to visual arts through the exhibition Art & Words: Ekphrasis. For as far back as the times of Plato, writers have been inspired by art to create poetry true to the form of the original work, yet adding their unique poetic perspective. Art & Words: Ekphrasis is taking the model one step further by not just engaging existing artwork to inspire poetry, but by also using existing poetry to inspire artwork.
Art & Words: Ekphrasis consists of an exhibition of art and poetry— side-by-side — that includes artists and poets inspiring one another. Existing poetry was collected by invited poets and artwork was curated from artists throughout the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area. Artists and poets were given the opportunity to choose selected poems or pieces of art that spoke to them and to create a new piece of art—be it a visual art piece or poem—based on the original inspiration. The challenge will be in determining which came first, the poem or the artwork.
Participating artists are Scott Ackerman, Tara Bach, Loel Barr, Diane Christi, Maxine Davidowitz, Shelley Davis, Mikumaz (Matteo Farkas), Steve Gentile, Carl Grauer,
Josepha Gutelius, Martha Hill, Robert P. Langdon, Ellen McKay, Ann Morris, Grey Ivor Morris, Prudence See and Marck Webster. Participating poets are Beth Achenbach, Douglas Daniel Elliot, Alessandra Farkas, Monica T. Fiorentini, Steve Gentile, Joan Gunnison, Josepha Gutelius, Patrick Hammer, Jr., Robert P. Langdon, Judith Lechner, Alanna Wray McDonald, Barbara Mindel, Angelina Peone, Mairead Flynn Rogan, Daryen Ru, Prudence See, Allen Shadow, Raymond J. Steiner and Margaret Uhalde.
A select preview of Art & Words: Ekphrasis, which will include a poetry reading, will be held at the Saugerties Public Library on April 22, 2017, at 2PM. An opening reception will be held at Emerge Gallery on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 5-8 PM. All are welcome. In addition, a poetry reading will take place at Emerge Gallery on Saturday, May 20, 2017, from 6-8 PM. Artwork and poetry will be on display through May 29, 2017.
Metal & Wood: A Group Exhibition of Sculpture Created with Metal or Wood
April 7 - May 1, 2017

Emerge Gallery & Art Space is pleased to be participating in the Village of Saugerties’ celebration of International Sculpture Day during the month of April. Emerge Gallery’s sculpture exhibition “Metal & Wood” will include wall sculptures, assemblages and some standing sculpture. All works were created with metal or wood and most share a certain whimsical quality. Exhibiting artists include 2 Nutty Artists, Loel Barr, Ed Berkise, Michael Ciccone, Shelley Davis, Ruth Edwy, Robert George, Amy Puccio, and Fay Wood.
2 Nutty Artists (Janet Costello and Heather Gottfried) collect twisted, bent and rusted metal found on the streets and together assemble it to create wall sculptures of animals that are humorous in a very unusual way. Former framer and artist Amy Puccio assembles discarded frame pieces like a puzzle to create wall sculptures of common objects. Included in “Metal & Wood” are very familiar items— a six foot bicycle chain, a cassette tape and a corset — presented in a unique way.
Artist Fay Wood incorporates found materials, both wood and metal, in her sculpture to create some very familiar objects as well as abstract sculpture. Like the work of some other artists in the exhibition, Fay’s sculptures exhibit a definite quirkiness yet retains a sophistication that is very indicative of her work.
A window installation of abstract sculptures by artist Michael Ciccone will be a part of “Metal & Wood”. The artist reuses raw materials collected from the construction sites he has worked on over the years. “I’ve always tried to preserve the integrity of the steel objects that I incorporate into my sculpture,” he explains. “I enjoy the challenge of maintaining their original integrity, which sometimes seems impossible while composing a sophisticated and / or playful composition.”
Additional work includes smaller figurative sculpture of the human form by Robert George who works in both clay and bronze; figurative steel bronze work by Ruth Edwy; assemblages of found materials by Shelley Davis, Edward Berkise, and Loel Barr whose work holds a haunting quality. Work from "Metal & Wood," art from previous exhibits and on-line exclusives are available to view and purchase at the Emerge Gallery on-line shop at
“Metal & Wood” will be on exhibit at Emerge Gallery from April 7 - May 1, 2017, with an opening reception on April 7 from 5-9 PM as part of Saugerties’ First Friday. Three additional galleries in Saugerties — 11Jane, Cross Contemporary Art and Cross Contemporary Art Annex — will be hosting sculpture exhibitions during the month. Previews for each show will be held on April 7 with opening receptions on April 8, 2017. Sculpture will also be exhibited in merchant windows and outdoors in the Village.
International Sculpture Day is a celebration event held worldwide on or around April 24th to further the ISC’s (International Sculpture Center) mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. Hundreds of artists, organizations and institutions in over 20 countries are scheduled to celebrate the day in 2017 with open studios, unveiling public sculptures, sculpture scavenger hunts, pop up exhibitions, demonstrations, iron pours, and much more.
Emerge Gallery & Art Space focuses on emerging artists from the Hudson Valley, NY, region and beyond by hosting monthly group art exhibitions, and other events. It is a very open and welcoming environment that is a wonderful setting for private parties and gatherings and is available for rental. The space is also available to rent for solo and privately curated exhibitions.

Exit 20: A Group Exhibition of Saugerties Artists
February 18 - March 27, 2017
Emerge Gallery & Art Space is pleased to present “Exit 20:A Group Exhibition of Saugerties Artists” from February 17 - March 27, 2017. The exhibition includes various styles and mediums — acrylic, collage, mixed media, oil, photography, sculpture, and watercolor. A public opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, February 18, 2017, from 5-8 PM. All are welcome. Artwork in the exhibition will be available to view and purchase on line at
Saugerties harbors an abundance of talent with visual artists tucked throughout the town — painters, sculptors, photographers, mixed media artists — all creating unique and intriguing works of art. Emerge Gallery is pleased to have the opportunity to showcase just a small fraction of this talent.
Twenty-two artists living and working in Saugerties are participating in this exhibition including Tara Bach who will be showing a new direction to her art. “I have a lot of vision and feelings for the work,” she explains. “Not only am I using my basic paint pouring process, but on top of that I’ve been scumbling and adding more elements to the work that really direct it in a very positive way.” Emerge Gallery is delighted to be including two of Tara’s new pieces in “Exit 20.”
The themes of the artwork vary but there are a number of scenes familiar to the viewer. Andrea Walcutt Perez beautifully captures with her pallet the vista seen coming into the Village via Hill Street; a new painting by Josepha Gutelius portrays an evening hanging out on Partition Street, while Nancy Campbell offers one of a winter scene of the same street; Angela Gaffney-Smith depicts a misty morning at the Saugerties Lighthouse through her pure use of watercolor; and Kay Kenny captures on film a mystical full moon at Thorn Preserve.
Additional artists include Kristy Bishop, Barbara Bravo, Alison Winfield Burns, Shelley Davis, Ruth Edwy, Steve Gentile, Maggie Green, Barbara Tepper Levy, Ann Morris, Grey Ivor Morris, Pamela Murnan, Prudence See, Raymond Steiner, Betsy Wilson, Marck Webster, and Fay Wood. “Exit 20” is curated by Emerge Gallery director Robert Langdon.
Emerge Gallery & Art Space focuses on emerging artists from the Hudson Valley, NY, region and beyond by hosting monthly group art exhibitions, and other events. It is a very open and welcoming environment that is a wonderful setting for private parties and gatherings and is available for rental. The space is also available to rent for solo and privately curated exhibitions.
Petit Deux: A Group Exhibition of Smaller Sized Art
16" x 20" and Under
January 6 - 30, 2017